Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 8 On The Snow 09/10

I spent day 8 OTS at Hoodoo Ski area outside of Sisters OR with by good buddy Duane aka "Dewey Dude". Had to travel to Portland for business on president's day and decided to squeeze in a day of play. Hoodoo has had some very warm temps this season and while they are covered very well is really soft off trail and slushy as heck at times. With that said, it beats having rocks poking through on thin runs like we get often in NM. Dewey supplied me with one of his bikes for the day (Thx again Brother) and what a killer day it was. We actually had a few runs off the backside on the Hodag chair as it was open, well covered and the wind was not howling up the hill. (With names like Hodag, the folks would get along well here in NM with some of the things we call stuff) The snow was deep thick and heavy. Tough even for a veteran like myself but very doable. I even followed Dewey down leap of faith once. Not what I'm use to but I'll take a day of sliding on the hill any day. We hot lapped the mountain a bit, had a Hoodoo Voodoo beer will chatting Mathew and laughed at Scott for having to work all day!! We saw several other bikes on the hill...personal bikes at that. One of them was a guy I connected up with a few years ago named Cody from Eugene OR.

Had a killer day, counting the days till I can meet up with Dewey, Scott and Matthew to do it again. Thanks again to the incredible hospitality of the Pacific Northwest, Dewey, Matthew, Scott and Hoodoo!!! If I could get my head around all the rain in that part of the world, I'd be living there!! Thanks to all for another killer day on the mountain!! Don't forget about the skibike festival the first weekend of April 3-4 2010.


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