We were set up to do a 2 hour class at Sante fe Ski Basin in Sante fe, New Mexico on Sunday 3/1/09. I was not sure how the day was going to go when the first 3 staff people we saw in the parking lot tried to chase us away. Then to have the owner come out and almost shut us down, really made it kind of a bummer start. Melanie and Katya was able to smooth things over and ensure we were on our game for safety and lesson plans and got us what we needed to make it all happen. We donated 2 new Sledgehammer bikes to their adaptive program.
It was suppose to be a 2 hour lesson with 5 people from the adaptive school. It turned out to be an all day event with about 3 dozen instructors from the adaptive school!
I can't even begin to drive home the devious grins and smiles we put on faces on Sunday. We, yet again ,had grown people giggling and grinning like school kids. We were also told that at the end of the day the clubhouse was full of those adaptive instructors still laughing from a good time on the bikes.
The energy from the adaptive instructors was incredible. They were excited to not only see and test the equipment but you could see the gears in their heads turning as they began to see the possibilities SkiBike could off in the adaptive schools and programs. They had tons of adaptive scenarios and questions for us. We had to remind them, we don't demo to anyone but the able bodied and we needed them to answer those same questions and develop answers for us!! You could see the excitement and engagement begin!!!
For those of you that know me, I don't wear footskis since I shed them years ago. While I was not excited about putting them back on for the lesson/demo, see the picture above and know that I took one for the sport to get the equipment on the hill of Sante fe Ski basin. I have not had footskis on in about 4+ years and let me tell you, took me a while to find myself over them once again. Sante fe, I'd do it again for you any day!!
A very very big thank you to the men and women at the Sante fe Ski Basin Adaptive school and the owners/managers of the area for letting us come play on the hill and give their instructors some new tools for their adaptive toolbox!! It was our pleasure spending the day with you all!! Please invite us up again. We hope to continue to change a few more minds on bikes.